Mathematical and scientific writings

    [9] viXra:1311.0047 replaced on 2016-04-16 14:50:51, (297 unique-IP downloads)

Lisbon Observatory

An Analytic Mathematical Model to Explain the Spiral Structure and Rotation

Curve of NGC 3198

Authors: Bruce Rout, Cameron Rout
Category: Astrophysics

    [8] viXra:1104.0036 submitted on 8 Apr 2011, (215 unique-IP downloads)

The Geometry of Large Rotating Systems

Authors: Cameron RoutBruce Rout
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

    [7] viXra:1007.0024 replaced on 19 Jul 2010, (316 unique-IP downloads)

Verification of Cepheid Variable Distance Measurements Using Roxy's Ruler

Authors: Bruce Rout
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

    [6] viXra:1004.0081 replaced on 2015-11-19 16:54:17, (215 unique-IP downloads)

Relativistic Spirals

Authors: Bruce Rout

Category: Relativity and Cosmology

    [5] viXra:0911.0023 replaced on 17 Dec 2009, (418 unique-IP downloads)

Distance, Rotational Velocities, Red Shift, Mass, Length and Angular Momentum of 111 Spiral Galaxies in the Southern Hemisphere

Authors: Bruce Rout
 Relativity and Cosmology

    [4] viXra:0911.0016 replaced on 18 Dec 2009, (363 unique-IP downloads)

A Comparisson of Distance Measurements to NGC 4258

Authors: Bruce Rout
Category: Relativity and Cosmology

    [3] viXra:0909.0027 submitted on 9 Sep 2009, (154 unique-IP downloads)

A Proposal for a Unified Field Theory

Authors: Bruce Rout
Category: Quantum Gravity and String Theory

    [2] viXra:0909.0026 submitted on 9 Sep 2009, (343 unique-IP downloads)

A First Order Singular Perturbation Solution to a Simple One-Phase Stefan Problem with Finite Neumann Boundary Conditions

Authors: Bruce Rout
Category: Mathematical Physics

    [1] viXra:0909.0007 replaced on 2012-03-05 11:43:58, (888 unique-IP downloads)

The Spiral Structure of NGC 3198.

Authors: Bruce Rout
Category: Relativity and Cosmology